Het voorstel van de Netherlands Internet Governance Forum (NL IGF) voor een workshop op het IGF 2021 is gehonoreerd. De sessie “The risks of pursuing digital autonomy” zal plaatsvinden op dinsdag 7 december van 14.30-15.30 uur.
“The risks of pursuing digital autonomy: balancing national interests with preserving a global Internet”
Last year the European Commission presented its digital strategy, in which the term digital sovereignty was introduced. The need to become autonomous in the digital field is present. What are the consequences of this ambition for other parts of the world? And does it pose risks for the global internet? Could it lead to a splinternet? How would a splinternet affect global trade on a macro level, and how would it affect individuals’ internet experiences on a micro level? We need to discuss globally in what ways we can balance national and regional interests, whilst preserving a global internet.
People often talk about the danger of a splinternet, but rarely about the actual implications if this development were to happen. Therefore, this session will focus on the day-to-day implications of a splinternet. During the round table discussion, both macro and micro level implications will be discussed. On the one hand issues such as the consequences of a splinternet on global trade will be considered, specifically the implications for developing countries. On the other hand we will also discuss how a splinternet would affect individuals’ internet experiences.
Zie ook de website van het IGF.
Het Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is een jaarlijks terugkerend mondiaal multistakeholder-platform voor discussie en afstemming omtrent diverse zaken op het gebied van Internet Governance. De zestiende bijeenkomst van het IGF wordt hybride georganiseerd in Katowice Polen van 6 t/m 10 december met het overkoepelende thema Internet United. Meld u nu aan voor het IGF 2021 via de officiële website van het IGF.