Webinar: The climate impact of digital trends – The consequences of digital currencies, AI and more with Alex de Vries

On the 10th of September, from 11:00 till 12:00 the Nationale Coalitie Duurzame Digitalisering (NCDD) will host a webinar in collaboration with Alex de Vries from the VU Amsterdam on The climate impact of digital trends – The consequences of digital currencies, AI and more.

During the webinar Alex will talk about how in recent years artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed a period of rapid expansion and extensive, large-scale application. This accelerated development raises concerns about the electricity consumption and potential environmental impact of AI and data centers. The AI enthusiasm has put the AI server supply chain on track to deliver a more significant contribution to worldwide data center electricity consumption in the coming years. In this webinar, we will explore the ecological footprint of AI and data centers, and discuss the mitigation options.

10-09-2024 11:00 - 12:00 aanmelden
  • Nationale Coalitie Duurzame Digitalisering

    De Nationale Coalitie Duurzame Digitalisering (NCDD) is de nationale coalitie waar wordt samengewerkt door overheid, het bedrijfsleven, maatschappelijke organisaties en mens... + Meer over Nationale Coalitie Duurzame Digitalisering